Sunday, April 27, 2008

Heal Head Pain With Simple Meditation

Head pain become problem in the day if attack us. You can feel unhappy and very sick in your head without know what had happen with your head. Usually, when you are very busy some time you feel head pain suddenly. This cause are very tired, cigarette smoke, pollution, very hot of sun, or other cause of sick. Head pain attack does not because of your ill. Before pain attacks your head, you feel health and fresh. But after you entry to bad environment you get head pain attack.

This case called light head pain. I suggest you do not consume medicine. You just need a good rest like good sleeping. If you have sleeping difficulty, read my article about sleeping in this ezine’s website. One alternative to heal our head pain, I conduct simple meditation in 10-15 minutes. Usually, I will feel good and head pain will recover too.

If you get head pain regularly although you still conduct your activity, then your environment is not good for you. Of course, you will always get head pain before your body take adaptation. My experience shows sleep and simple meditation is the best solution to heal this head pain. Step simple meditation below:

1]. Sit in your heel in the floor or carpet. You feet in stand position like yoga. Put your hand on your knee.

2]. Arrange your breath smoothly. Close your eyes and feel your head pain. Keep feel it.

3]. Do number 2 in 3-5 minutes. After that, with slowly motion, down your body to the front until your floor.

4]. Put your head slowly in the floor. Do those like Moslem pray (shalat). Put your hand and your forehead in similar-side triangle position. This position will divide energy and balance in good conditions. Your hand is in the middle between head and knee.

5]. Keep this position until you are not feeling your head pain. Usually, 10 minutes in this position your head pain will heal self. Keep feel your pain and your position. Arrange your breath smoothly.

6]. Finish. Back to first position slowly. You will better and fresh.

This is my experience. Other people heal their head pain with dragon meditation. However, if you have other hard sick, you should consult to your doctor. This is can because your head pain too. This is very good to heal your pain; you will get your fresh body and soul after conducts this. For more information, please visit my website. May god bless you [ ]

Mike Handy is meditation practitioner almost 18 Years in South East Asia. He has 8 seven type of Dragon Meditation for selected people. Now, he want everybody can enjoy this meditation via his website: Ignore word tattoo in his website. The content is more important.

Dragon Meditation As Stress Management

One benefit of Dragon Meditation (DM) is make you in relax and calm condition. This condition will make your mind and soul in health condition. So, you will free from stress although you are life in urban and industry area that make you under pressure situation everyday. Live in urban and industries are usually making every body in bad health condition especially mental health. One mental health problem is stress because problems of job, career, relationship, family, school, etc. This is a trigger factor to various health problems from mental disaster until hard illness. Since along time, DM can solve stress problem for urban people and village people too.

Stress Management Stress management is art to manage problem of your life in career area and another field of your life. So many people cannot solve their stress because their mind and feel has been blocking with huge problem everyday. So many solutions have taken by every body like visit nightclub to enjoy alcohol, disco music, drugs, free sex and many more. However, this is short-term solution and your stress will come again for next time. This is usually repeat, repeat and repeat without certain time to stop it.

These problems have been integrated problem with human resources concern in the various companies. Big money has been spending to solve stress problem of director, executives, and employees. Some stress management and approaching has been developing since long time a go by psychological and human resources experts. However, More people stress and more methodology to solve it without guarantee stress cannot come again or handle properly.

DM as Solution for Your Stress Without underestimate to experts, million peoples in South East Asian as stress management and stress problem solver have proved DM. Art of stress management is level of simplicity. More simple method is better method and DM method is very simple and accurate. Therefore, I brave say: DM is ultimate methodology to handle your stress properly without think your problem and problem solver method itself. When you visit psychiatry, you should be telling your problem to expert to analyze and find the solution. It will make you hard to tell your stress to unknown people although to an expert. It is a new problem in the old problem.

Ultimate solution is meditation especially Dragon Meditation. Conduct your DM with power of your feeling. DM is equal with feeling training not mind training. Your mind and emotion will passive and rest for some time in the DM. If your mind and emotion stop, then your stress will remove automatically. Result is you will in relax and calm condition, your body more fresh than before, you feel close to your God and you can feel your self as valuable person to your self and your environment. Another benefit: you will get bio-magnetic energy that useful to your life and other peoples.

TIP for your Mind:

1. I know, you are smart people but in repeated activity in your career. Please do not use your brain when you completion your job. Your job is repeated activity, what you think it for? Keep do it and do not think again. Keep feel your job and enjoy. Do no think, guys.

2. If you have problem with relationship in career or other, I know you have solution or if you do not have it, keep find to your friend or discuss with source of the problem.

3. If you cannot do that, keep feel it but do not think the problem. Do not care the problem. I guarantee your problem will solve by self because every body will know that you are easy people.

4. Please, become easy people not hard-people. Make everything in simple form and do not make new complicated.

5. Please, do not think your problem but feel your problem. Your god will open your feeling to find solution for you. Trust me!: your feeling always true and never false because your feeling is lustrous that can hear God divine inspiration.

Mike Handy is meditation practitioner almost 18 Years in South East Asia. He has 8 seven type of Dragon Meditation for selected people. Now, he want everybody can enjoy this meditation via his website: Ignore word tattoo in his website. The content is more important.

How To Remove Your Stress?

Stress is condition of somebody in under pressure because target of business and desire cannot grab and match with the plan. Stress can come to you if your body and mind over capacity to conduct activities every day. Body stress said as tired and mind stress eventually said only stress. This article will discuss about mind stress and body stress. How to remove it from you.?

Plan is not everything
Every human has planned to get something. If you can get goal then you will say: “I am success, guys!”. However, if you failed with your plan, then you will sad and regret. You feel false and under pressure because bashful, disappointed and angry. I know your teacher always teach you to plan everything when you will conduct something. So many, approach on planning management. This management teaches us how to grab success with right and better planning but never say how to solve if our planning failed. Every planning always will be success based on track the management planning.

Fact showed, there are many planning cannot control by planner and other people. Every action does to remove failed to make success that plan. Do you know if Adam Smith said that in economic science always “appear” invisible hand make something happen without stopped by human or other power? This is will make planning derailed and failed.

We must be trust to Adam Smith and find what is invisible hand!. My opinion: invisible hand is GOD. If you have prepared your plan, let’s god to guarantee our planning will success. If not success yet, let’s ask to god why does not success? I guarantee, your god will give enlightenment and information about your plan and failed.

Let’s remove stress

Are you still stress with your career, job, office or spouse? Ahh… I know you need way to escape from stress. Usually, everybody in urban community will go to discotique to remove stress with music and alcohol. This is can remove stress temporary and will come again next time. Below some tips to remove your stress and trust me this is very useful for you:

1. Put god in your heart and your planning.
2. Keep in mind, if you failed some day, then next time you should be success with lesson from your failed.
3. Trust me, failed is not always come in your life episode. Life episode will change with another genesis.
4. If you failed, keep calm and straight to solution. Do not sad and angry but keep relax and analyze everything.
5. Discuss with every people related with this case. See with your mind and hearth, you will find another way to quit from this condition.
6. Conduct sport and meditation especially dragon meditation. Your stress will remove automatically. Do not alcohol and discotiq to remove this. But you can save sex to escape stress especially with your spouse.
7. Go to sleep without dream and I guarantee you will wake up like fresh man from the oven. This is will discuss in next article.
8. Let’s start life with heart not with brain, think and mind. Change your brain with feel and heart. Brain only in your school, seminar and discussion. But this life is not school, lecture or laboratories. Life is fact and controls it with hearth and feel.

Actually, only 2 solutions to remove your stress. There are put god in your hearth, and change your brain with your hearth and feel in everyday life. Your brain is only to think phenomena like physics, chemistry, social change, etc. But your feel and brain is to control your every day life. For more info see my website or next short article.

Mike Handy is meditation practitioner almost 18 Years in South East Asia. He has 8 seven type of Dragon Meditation for selected people. Now, he want everybody can enjoy this meditation via his website: Ignore word tattoo in his website. The content is more important.

Shopping Online Wisely

hopping is attractive activity especially for woman and girl in every side of world. When you shop in tourism activity, you will very enjoy in your shopping activities. Because of that, many peoples conduct shopping tourism around the world. Many people are involved in this business and much money to pay shopping goods around the world. But, some peoples cannot conduct shopping trip in shopping tourism because their business and activities cannot give enough time to do that.

Internet can give solution for shopping maniac especially credit card holder. It is very easy to them because only see, select, buy and pay. If you buy digital product, you will get download address to get your product. And, for other product like book, fashion product, furniture, etc, you must wait your order that will send to you by shipping company.

Nowadays, payment mechanism already prepared by payment vendor like paypal, clickbank, 2checkout, ccbill, authorize, e-gold, etc. All payment vendors have cooperation with banks and credit card Company to support you shopping and other payment activities. Nevertheless, like conventional shopping, you need shop wisely because what you see is not always, what you need.

For shopping maniac, some consideration when you shopping online like:

1]. Buy product what you need to life and do not buy a product what you see but not what you need. This is one-way control your-self in shopping activities.

2]. Review shopping website like description of product, how product deliver to you, how after sales service to you, payment method with security system, etc.

3]. Ask to your friend about shopping website about their credibility. You can read on shopping gazette if available to complete your shopping reference.

4]. Better if your friend already buy product will you buy on website. This is can guarantee shopping security to you.

5]. All company support to shopping website must have good credibility like bank support, credit card support, payment support, security support, shipping support and customer support.

6]. After you make sure all above considerations, you can start your shopping and enjoy your day.

Keep save your money for positive and productive activity. Do not forget in your money has portion for poverty and parentless children around the world. Don’t pay anything to buy not what you need. Happy shopping! Visit for alternative shopping to complete your life needs.

Susmanto Hadi is independent author from Indonesia. He has been writing some books in Bahasa Indonesia. He also compile computer security glossary in an e-book to help everybody to understand computer security sciences. He is a ghostwriter to some local writer in Indonesia. He also conducts Internet marketing activities with his web. See his web for more information, click here:;

Build Smart Child

Smart children are hoping every parent to their children to get bright future. Every effort prepared to create smart children like give the best nutrition and best knowledge in the best school or university. Today, smart and good intelligence is main property for the children and prepare by their parent.

I believe three basic efforts to build smart child namely, best nutrition, never say no and always ask why. This basic effort is my experience to my daughter become smart and creative in their environments. Below is complete discussion.

Best Nutrition

The best nutrition is basic theory in children development. Every parent must know about this especially in modern society. Best nutrition is available on mother's milk, formula milk, children food supplement, organic food, fresh food, healthy food, etc. every parent should give this food to their children to support children development.

Lactation period must complete to baby for improve their physical capability like immune system and brain capability. Never stop your lactation process although you must go to office or other activities. Nowadays, there is many ways to give your mother’s milk to baby although you must go to your work.

Never Say No

Next experience is never say no to our children. Children always play anything without ask to us about safety and other impact to them. Our environment is the best place to play for children. Playing tools is supporting to improve our children imagination in playing time. We must control all environments especially to remove anything that make dangerous to the baby or children.

If your baby or children will do something and you are not want your baby/children to do that, do not say no as prohibition to them. Why? If you always say no or do not, your children will have memory of afraid and limitation from their parent. This is very dangerous to the children because they will feel afraid and limit creativity.

You can say, “ I am sorry honey. This is belonging to mother. Please use this toys for you” Then, you save or remove the dangerous thing from your children/baby. Your baby/children will feel freedom in their playing with braveness and creativity.

Ask: Why

Other important kind is you must always ask why when your baby/children do something or ask something to you. You can speak with your children and ask why they do something. This question will stimulate analysis capability and stimulate their logic. For example: why you do that, why you want it, why you like this toys, etc. This is very simple method but very useful to develop your brain and logic capability. Your children will train their language too.

Your relation with children will more close and become harmonize. Your children will feel appreciate from you as parent. This is very important in early development of your children. Any answer of your children will show how development of your children in the environments. Three simple tips are very easy to apply in every area and every social stratum. People can do that for their child.

Susmanto Hadi is independent author from Indonesia. He has been writing some books in Bahasa Indonesia. He also compile computer security glossary in an e-book to help everybody to understand computer security sciences. He is a ghostwriter to some local writer in Indonesia. He also conducts Internet marketing activities with his web.

See his web for more information, click here:

Plan Your Children From Pregnancy

Our children may build from pregnancy in mother stomach. We can build physical capacity and mental capability. A child is our property. Everything will prepare to support our children development. Our money and time will spend to develop our child. Mother and father as parent will full support to their lovely daughter and son. We are as children’s parent should be prepare with proper knowledge and enough money to support our children to get bright future.

I have two daughters with good mentality and physic. They are always happy although their parent is not rich. One think about them is my plan about daughter characteristic is match with my hope when she was in the mother stomach.

My hope for first daughter is [1] she must have strong physic not like weak woman, [2] she must have best brain and smart, [3] she must have good leadership as leader candidate in the future, [4] she must have strong active, creative and talkative, and [5] she must be able to pray for her parent. No problem if she is little naughty.

Then, my hope for second daughter is [1] she must have soft physic but health, [2] she must be creative and smart, [3] I hope she will become good entrepreneur, [4] she must have wisdom and able to pray for her parent. She must not naughty like sister brother.

When they were in the their mother stomach (pregnancy), I always said what I was hopes to the babies. I said as I say to someone. My wife could heard it and sometimes smile. After, they were born and life until now, I see and feel their characteristic like my hope. No one miss with my hope. All my hope come true at least basic characters. My first daughter has ability to influence her friends to do what she wants. This is very interest to me. Next, my second daughter is very soft like my hope. She is not naughty like her sister brother.

My conclusion is husband has vital function to create basic character of their children. Mother has vital function to develop baby’s physical capability. So, for all husband in the world, when your wife in pregnancy:

[1] Build your hope to your god in the pray base on your religion.

[2] Say to baby what you hope about your baby’s characteristic and ability in the future.

[3] Support your wife to control her self when in pregnancy.

[4] Support your wife to consume best nutrition for the baby in pregnancy and after baby was born.

[5] Keep communicate with your baby when wife’s pregnancy about your hope to your baby. This is like order to baby to become what you want.

[6] You can use other information about baby development since pregnancy and toddler age.

[7] This is my experiences and not my theory. Develop intelligence and emotional capability from the beginning.

[8] Keep patient with your children and wife. Husband is a leader for your children and wife. [*]

Susmanto Hadi is independent author from Indonesia. He has been writing some books in Bahasa Indonesia. He also compile computer security glossary in an e-book to help everybody to understand computer security sciences. He is a ghostwriter to some local writer in Indonesia. He also conducts Internet marketing activities with his web.

See his web for more information, click here:;