Monday, May 5, 2008

How to Use the 80/20 Rule to Create a Kick-Ass Life

Little hinges swing big doors.

There’s a simple principle, easy to understand and easy to implement, called the 80/20 Principle. It can affect your relationships, your financial situation and your health. It’s my goal that each and every member of “The Warrior King Society” learn to apply this principle to every area of their life to get them closer to their Ideal Lifestyle.

You've probably heard the 80/20 rule before. It's referenced extensively in Engineering and Business. The premise is 20% of inputs are responsible for 80% of results. I've known about it for some time in Marketing. We've found over and over that 80% of profits come from 20% of customers. But, when we measure the phenomena it's often more like 90/10 or 95/5. Most of the profit actually comes from a very small percentage of your customers. (And, 80% of your customers come from 20% of your advertising efforts.)

I often have my clients put measurements in place to track customers from the first time they make an inquiry and each and every sale. Then, we can look at the graph. It's amazing. Some customers actually COST you money to serve. We get rid of them if necessary. Then, we focus on the 20% who make us most of the profit.

"What else do you need Mr. Awesome Client?"

How can we get them to buy more (increase transaction size) and/or buy more often (increase transaction frequency). Then, we find out, "Who are these guys? And, where can we get more of them?" That takes a little research but many data miners are able to take the names, addresses and then do a backwards search (not the right wording but same idea) to create a profile of them. (By the way, a company can get a staggering amount of information about you. In the future I'm going to STOP signing up for things in my own name and use only Trusts or shell corporation names.)

I'm excited because I'm in the process of formalizing all this and making it cookie cutter so I can step a few core business owners through it.

We know we can use this principle in Marketing, Engineering and many other areas but what about Life Design?

This morning I stared at my cell phone for a minute or two. I'm supposed to call a biz owner about a project we're working on but I dread it.

Part of me says, "You wuss, just dial the number and get it over with..."

The other part of me says, "Wait! Why should you do things which suck?" (In this case, I have to do it because he's already paid me. It's a fee-based project and I hate those because due to the economics I can't make the truly monumental changes in his business.

Strategy always beats copy. A great ad might double your conversion rate but a few changes in your Strategy can easily cause 5x even 10x the increases.) I've been thinking about this a lot lately because the 80/20 book talks about applying the 80/20 rule to your life. 80% of your pleasure comes from 20% of your activities. 80% of your pain comes from 20% of your activities/circumstances.

You can improve your life by minimizing the things which suck and multiplying the things that give you pleasure. If you sit down and write down all the things that suck, then you can build a strategy to minimize them. Do the same thing for the things that you enjoy. Write them down and then find ways to increase them. And, set some rules for yourself. You don't have to do things which suck. You may have to do some every now and then but that's life. But, they shouldn't control your life and if they happen with regularity get rid of them.

If you're not building the life of your dreams it's your own fault. And, you can derive so much satisfaction from just refusing to do the bullshit everyone else thinks you should do. You get to set the rules about HOW people interact with you. If they decide not to play by those rules then part ways. You don't have to be an asshole about it but you can tell them you don't do XYZ or don't allow XYZ in your life.

One of my clients only allows his clients to send him faxes. He doesn't publish a phone number and won't answer their emails. If they want to send him something it's fax only. He can't possibly make a lot of money with policies like that can he? Only about $5 million this year with just 3 employees.

How much does each client bring him? They pay him from $12,000 to $50,000 PER YEAR for the privilege of getting his faxes, listening to his teleconferences and getting access to his unique system for making their practices run better.

I could go on and on but it's time to wrap this up.

No one is responsible for you but you. Your ideal life is your responsibility. Your time is your own and it is YOUR CHOICE how you want to spend it.

If you get stuck in a shitty situation, change it immediately. Don't sell your life for money. Don't sell your life for someone else's desires.

Put you first. Start today.

~ Captain Jack ~

P.S. I have 17 left over copies of “The Testosterone Report” and “The Warrior-King Crash Energy Program.” If you’re one of the next 17 to join The Warrior-King Society those reports will come in your welcome package.

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