Wednesday, April 29, 2009

How To Remove Your Stress?

By Mike Handy

Stress is condition of somebody in under pressure because target of business and desire cannot grab and match with the plan. Stress can come to you if your body and mind over capacity to conduct activities every day. Body stress said as tired and mind stress eventually said only stress. This article will discuss about mind stress and body stress. How to remove it from you.?

Plan is not everything

Every human has planned to get something. If you can get goal then you will say: “I am success, guys!”. However, if you failed with your plan, then you will sad and regret. You feel false and under pressure because bashful, disappointed and angry. I know your teacher always teach you to plan everything when you will conduct something. So many, approach on planning management. This management teaches us how to grab success with right and better planning but never say how to solve if our planning failed. Every planning always will be success based on track the management planning.

Fact showed, there are many planning cannot control by planner and other people. Every action does to remove failed to make success that plan. Do you know if Adam Smith said that in economic science always “appear” invisible hand make something happen without stopped by human or other power? This is will make planning derailed and failed.

We must be trust to Adam Smith and find what is invisible hand!. My opinion: invisible hand is GOD. If you have prepared your plan, let’s god to guarantee our planning will success. If not success yet, let’s ask to god why does not success? I guarantee, your god will give enlightenment and information about your plan and failed.

Let’s remove stress

Are you still stress with your career, job, office or spouse? Ahh… I know you need way to escape from stress. Usually, everybody in urban community will go to discotique to remove stress with music and alcohol. This is can remove stress temporary and will come again next time. Below some tips to remove your stress and trust me this is very useful for you:

  1. Put god in your heart and your planning.
  2. Keep in mind, if you failed some day, then next time you should be success with lesson from your failed.
  3. Trust me, failed is not always come in your life episode. Life episode will change with another genesis.
  4. If you failed, keep calm and straight to solution. Do not sad and angry but keep relax and analyze everything.
  5. Discuss with every people related with this case. See with your mind and hearth, you will find another way to quit from this condition.
  6. Conduct sport and meditation especially dragon meditation. Your stress will remove automatically. Do not alcohol and discotiq to remove this. But you can save sex to escape stress especially with your spouse.
  7. Go to sleep without dream and I guarantee you will wake up like fresh man from the oven. This is will discuss in next article.
  8. Let’s start life with heart not with brain, think and mind. Change your brain with feel and heart. Brain only in your school, seminar and discussion. But this life is not school, lecture or laboratories. Life is fact and controls it with hearth and feel.


Actually, only 2 solutions to remove your stress. There are put god in your hearth, and change your brain with your hearth and feel in everyday life. Your brain is only to think phenomena like physics, chemistry, social change, etc. But your feel and brain is to control your every day life. For more info see my website or next short article.

Mike Handy is meditation practitioner almost 18 Years in South East Asia. He has 8 seven type of Dragon Meditation for selected people. Now, he want everybody can enjoy this meditation via his website: Ignore word tattoo in his website. The content is more important.

How to Stop a Panic Attack and Get Your Life Back

By Helen Nance

There is no feeling quite like a panic attack. Your chest tightens up, it becomes difficult to breathe, and your body can feel odd and weak. These attacks can be very debilitating for a person looking to live a normal life. It is very possible that these attacks can lead people to seclude themselves from the outside world. Doing this can cause the condition to become worse and lead to anxiety or severe depression, and is definitely not the proper way when attempting to figure out how to stop a panic attack.

One of the most important things that needs to be done what preventing a panic attack, is to make sure you get enough rest. The body needs at least 7 hours of sleep per night to be fully functional and alert. This alone can reduce the chance of a panic attack. Exercise is another activity that can go a long way in stopping a panic attack. When you make yourself more physically healthy, it can cause a chain reaction which results in psychological health. By improving your appearance and physical well-being, it reduces the stress and psychological wear that you go through on a daily basis. This is key in helping you determine how to stop a panic attack.

Panic attacks can lead the usage of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco. While this may seem like a good idea to help you relax at the time, this is certainly not a healthy practice. Engaging in using these drugs has a negative effect on the nervous system. In fact, there is a great chance that by using drugs, alcohol, or tobacco you can actually trigger a panic attack.

Taking time out of your day to do something relaxing can help lower stress levels and, in turn, reduce the chances of a panic attack. Many people look to meditation to give themselves peace of mind and to lower stress. When done daily, this is a great technique to help avoid panic attacks.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that it is not that big a deal to have panic attacks. This is not something that should go untreated. It is important not to let panic attacks dictate how your life is lived. There are many methods additional to the ones listed above to help people learn how to stop a panic attack. If untreated, panic attacks can completely control someone's life, which only magnifies the problem. Instead of just letting the panic attacks get the best of you and control your life, go out and get help. Take back control of your life and give yourself the freedom to be able to interact in any situation without fear and anxiety.

Keep reading over at Panic Away Review to see how nearly 27,000 people have used a simple "One Move" technique to cure their panic and anxiety problems within days, despite years of suffering.

Visit Coping With Anxiety Attacks now and grab your free report that shows you how to get started in curing your panic and anxiety today.

What Can I Do When I Start to Panic

By Deborah Shevaun

If you are wondering "what can I do when I start to panic" then you have come to the right place. We personally understand that anyone who suffers from panic attacks can feel like a prisoner in their own home. This problem makes it extremely difficult to feel like a normal person.

After all we all understand that a panic attack can occur anywhere and all of a sudden. If you are reading this article then you most likely are suffering from this condition. You are not alone; in fact research shows that 1 in every 100 people suffer from these attacks. Even though many of them will never admit it; the good thing is that you can begin to take the necessary steps to have a plan in place so that you will know what to do when you begin to experience a panic attack.

We decided to list some of the things that will help keep you prepared in case you begin to feel an attack come on.

1. Paper Bag: The truth is that anyone who suffers from these attacks should always keep a paper bag close to them. You should have one in your car and even in your office at work. If you begin to feel an attack coming on then begin breathing into the paper bag.

2. Support: Anyone who suffers from this condition should understand the importance of having a support group that will help them get over their attacks. It is not always easy to overcome an attack without having someone that you can turn to and talk to about your issues.

3. Counting: It is important to have a counting program or another program that can help you regain your control when you begin to have an attack.

While there are more things that you can begin doing that will help you gain back the control that you need as soon as you begin noticing an episode occurring. For more great tips on what you can do as soon as you start to freak out; visit our site below.

Stop Panic Attacks Quick! Discover A Proven Way To End Your Anxiety! New Methods To Treating Panic Attacks Naturally!

Depression Self Help Group

by James Koehler

When I was young life seemed grand and I would never have imagined I would be in for the ride I have had. I had the perfect little family from an outside perspective with a well educated father, a stay at home mother, and two healthy siblings. My father made a decent living and my mother was a great wife. The road ahead was brightly lit and my early childhood was blissful.

Sadly, that all changed about the time when I was four years old. You see, that was when my grandmother finally got enough of my grandfather's abuse and decided to take her own life. She was 43 years old. My mother was only 26. Add to that that my mother had just buried her younger brother two years before and it was a recipe for disaster. My mother developed full blown bipolar depression and completely withdrew from the world. Somehow after nearly a month tucked away in my parent's bedroom my mother emerged what seemed to be her old self.

Fast forward four more years through the good times, a better job for my father, a new house, etc and everything still seemed quite nice right up until the time it happened. When I was eight years old I went to the 2nd grade without a care in the world. Unfortunately when I came home things were very different. My mother had attempted suicide and was still in the hospital. When she came home a few days later she was different. I don't know that she was ever the same after that actually. I was too young to remember what had kept things together for the last four years but whatever it was had stopped working and my mom was a wreck. She spent the next few years battling her depression in and out of hospitals and on a grocery list of prescription medication. She wanted to be happy so bad but just couldn't find the answers she searched for. Through all the treatments and medications one thing my mother was never a part of was a depression self help group. She was always guided by health care professionals in her treatment.

Looking back I wonder if it would have made a difference, even a small one. You see, many mental health specialists will tell you that having emotional support can be the biggest key to successfully fighting depression. I don't really think my mother had that most of those years. The time apart and her illness destroyed my parent's marriage and it was many years before my mother and father spoke again. When they finally did reunite my father passed away shortly thereafter. My mother's only family was her abusive father and younger sister who was in and out of prison and her children. We were too young to fully understand what was going on. It saddens me now to think how alone she must have felt with such a burden to carry and I wish she had known or been able to be a part of a depression self help group where she could have experience true empathy from people who understood what she was going through.

James Koehler runs a site dedicated to a depression self help group.